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True Classic Boosts Post-Purchase Email CTR by 1.87%

True Classic’s use of the ParcelLab post-purchase experience and returns management solution has helped the T-shirt and activewear brand boost its email click-through rate (CTR) and open rate by 1.87% and 6.55% respectively compared to the brand’s previous provider. Additionally, True Classic has seen a 22.47% increase in order rates and a 34.78% increase in per-email revenue.

The ParcelLab solution is designed to streamline and personalize post-purchase communications and returns management using data-backed analytics to optimize strategies. A ParcelLab implementation team created a data warehouse across the True Classic organization and automated order communications and returns processing, providing full visibility into shipping costs, carrier information and the rate of returns — information that can help True Classic proactively address customer trends, product enhancements and shipping delays.

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