
Tag: website

E-commerce, Retail Types

How to Attract More Traffic to Your Website

September 30, 2022

Via: Independent Retailer

The online world has grown significantly since the beginning of the pandemic, and retailers are finding it harder to compete with other websites. Even if you make some developments and use paid advertising, consumer preferences can change in the blink […]

News & Trends

Amazon launches website to communicate with sellers over upcoming antitrust laws

August 23, 2021

Via: Charged

Amazon has responded to upcoming antitrust proposals from Congress by starting a website in which it warns its sellers about incoming laws and regulations. Sellers will need to sign up to receive information from the ecommerce giant’s public policy team […]

Customer Engagement, Customer Experience

3 Simple Email Tactics to Personalize the Customer Experience

March 2, 2021

Via: RIS News

Thanks to the powerful algorithms of Netflix, Amazon and others, consumers have extremely high standards for personalization in their shopping experience. They expect that brands will know exactly what they want and offer it to them at just the right […]

Retail Types, Stores

Walmart revamps stores, e-commerce for the holidays

October 31, 2018

Via: Retail Dive

Walmart joins rivals in elevating its holiday pitch to consumers this year, leveraging its thousands of stores to blur purchasing and return opportunities online and off. The retail giant’s stores in past years have become known for chaos at the […]

Others, Tech

Why Top Retailers Are Failing at Triggered Email Technology

February 9, 2018

Via: Retail Info Systems News

Talk about low-hanging fruit. If a shopper on your website puts something in the cart and leaves without making a purchase, getting them to complete the sale often doesn’t take much. In fact, if you generate a triggered email reminder […]

E-payment & Data Security, News & Trends, Tech

Shoppers willing to wait an hour for e-commerce

November 7, 2017

Via: FierceRetail

Customers are willing to wait longer than most retailers expect. Plus, this waiting time can sometimes increase conversion rates, as consumers have more time to consider their purchase. In fact, more than 80% of consumers are willing to wait online […]

Customer Engagement, Customer Experience

Boost Sales with These Five Social Media Steps

September 29, 2017

Via: Independent Retailer

Social media is such a vital part of business nowadays that it cannot be ignored. If harnessed in the right way, you can take back full control over your business’s social media profiles to be used as an advantage and […]

Others, Tech

Target, Apple and Walgreens win on load times

May 31, 2016

Via: Internet Retailer

Lean websites help retailers get their pages in front of consumers quickly, and Target Corp., Apple Inc. and Walgreen Co. followed that formula to take leading desktop web performance rankings in the first quarter. Web performance measuring firm Catchpoint Systems […]

Others, Tech

How Nijala Tweaked Their Shipping Strategy to Win More Sales

February 16, 2016

Via: Shopify Blog

Research shows that 68.95% of online shoppers don’t complete their checkout. The main reason? Shipping fees were too high. That’s a big incentive for online merchants to offer free shipping to potential customers. However, doing it in a way that makes […]

News & Trends

Retail Management Tips: 15 Ways to Increase Profit Margins

February 15, 2016

Via: The Retail Doctor Blog

A few years ago, it seemed everyone was tacking on a gas surcharge for most any product. Delivery prices had gone up, and retailers and service providers were passing the costs along because well, everyone knew gas was expensive. And […]

Others, Tech

Specialty retailer fulfills omnichannel potential

February 10, 2016

Via: Retailing Today

Advanced omnichannel retailing is not just for big chains anymore. Murdoch’s Ranch & Home Supply, a Bozeman, Montana-based specialty retailer with 30 stores in the upper Midwest, has implemented Kibo’s order management platform to provide real-time local inventory availability and […]

News & Trends, Others, Tech

How Alternative Domains Boost Branding

February 9, 2016

Via: Duct Tape Marketing

Now that we don’t have to wait for a dial-up modem to kickstart our Internet connections, and most sites open without having to type in http://www, there is still one final frontier to overcome: the “.com.” Dot-com is a popular […]