
Tag: data security

News & Trends

Why Personalization Can Survive the Loss of Third-Party Cookies

January 5, 2024

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Personalization is at something of a crossroads. The New Year saw a key step in the coming deprecation of third-party cookies, which have been one of marketers’ most powerful tools for tracking online activity for many years. A small group […]

News & Trends

Is the Retail Crime Wave a Tsunami or a Ripple?

December 15, 2023

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Back in 2022, the message was clear — retail crime was on the rise: “There’s no two ways about it,” said Gautham Vadakkepatt, Director of the Center for Retail Transformation at the George Mason University School of Business in an […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Ad Fraud in a Challenging Economy: Optimizing Digital Advertising to Deliver Real-World Results

November 10, 2023

Via: Retail TouchPoints

As consumer spending dips, retailers and ecommerce businesses are facing a perfect storm that is impacting their digital advertising ROI. They are being challenged with growing ad fraud in digital campaigns and a slowing economy. The result is a growing […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Shining a Light on a Growing Ecommerce Threat: Chargeback Fraud

November 1, 2023

Via: Retail TouchPoints

As online commerce continues to surge, chargeback fraud victimizes more and more retailers. Experts report that chargebacks will cost merchants over $100 billion in 2023, and false claims and abuse of the chargeback process are a growing threat to merchants. […]

Others, Tech

The Limited Role of AI in Ecommerce

September 21, 2023

Via: Retail TouchPoints

In today’s digital age almost all of us have experienced the thrill of clicking “add to cart” and the subsequent anticipation of our purchases arriving. Yet many of us may not reflect on the multitude of interactions and emotions that […]


AI in Retail: Optimizing Operations from Supply Chains to Employee Scheduling

April 6, 2023

Via: Retail TouchPoints

The newest generation of artificial intelligence (AI) would seem to be tailor-made for the behind-the-scenes operational complexity of today’s retail organization — and in many ways it is. Generative AI-powered solutions’ ability to ingest non-linear, non-numerical types of data, including […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

The Ongoing Battle to Protect Consumer Payment Card Data

December 30, 2022

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Buying goods online is second nature to most of us. Using our payment card whilst we shop online rarely gives us pause, and the many millions who buy online generally trust the system. However, the recent busy shopping season means […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Data Privacy and Ad Tracking: The Real-World Implications for Businesses

October 25, 2022

Via: Retail TouchPoints

The world has gone digital, and as a result, global concern regarding data privacy has skyrocketed. Consumer-facing media platforms have historically profited from ad revenue, the success of which has been fueled by the insights derived from accessing and analyzing […]

Customer Engagement, Customer Experience

Ecommerce Personalization in the Age of Consumer Data Privacy

August 16, 2022

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Optimized personalization is a necessary tenet of any ecommerce brand that aims to stand out. The importance of winning loyal customers depends on one-to-one customer personalization and engagement based on customers’ behavior and intent. As the benefits of personalization become […]

News & Trends

Strategies for Retailers to Weather the Storm this Hurricane Season

August 10, 2022

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Hurricane Season 2022 is underway, and with it comes the looming threat of outages and downtime for retailers. Forecasters are projecting an above-average storm season for the sixth consecutive year, with the first tropical storms forming and Hurricane Agatha already […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Data Privacy Concerns Usher in New Era of Hyper-Personalization

April 14, 2022

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Privacy has always been a hot topic, but recently temperatures have been rising. From the Facebook Files to Netflix’s documentary The Social Dilemma, we now understand more than ever how social networks and search engines utilize our data not only […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Global Payments Provider Secures $30 Million in New Funding

March 22, 2022

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Reach, a combined payments, tax and fraud platform designed to improve handling of cross-border commerce transactions, has received $30 million in its latest funding round. The solution provider will use the funding to scale up its development teams with a […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

4 Tips to Help Retailers Meet PCI DSS Compliance

August 11, 2021

Via: Retail TouchPoints

Over the last year, retailers have endured a range of unprecedented challenges. From supply chain and labor force disruptions to strict social distancing protocols, online and brick-and-mortar retailers alike have been forced to adapt their businesses practically overnight in order […]

News & Trends

Top Risks For Retail Businesses In 2021 (And in The Next Decade)

July 22, 2021

Via: Retail TouchPoints

The retail industry is widely accepted as one of the leading economic indicators. industry. When the economy is growing, consumers flock to stores. On the other hand, when a recession is imminent, consumers and their wallets generally stay put and […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Personalization in the Age of GDPR

April 20, 2021

Via: Retail TouchPoints

The more technology advances, the more we expect it to become human. We want our apps and online experiences to know us as well as our friends do. That’s why we constantly tap the “like” button on Spotify, sending signals […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Almost all retail apps leak personal data, security firm warns

January 7, 2020

Via: Retail Dive

After uncovering such a high level of insecurity among commonly used e-commerce apps, NowSecure advises consumers to delete all retail apps from their phones unless they are certain of their safety. “After extensive testing, NowSecure is issuing a global warning […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Cybercriminals latest retail target? Loyalty programs

January 2, 2020

Via: Retail Dive

From Nieman Marcus to Macy’s, StockX and Poshmark, retail data breaches have repeatedly made headlines for exposing consumers’ credit and debit card information. But while consumers may be watching their credit card and bank account balances for suspicious activities, another […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

Black Friday cybersecurity responsibility falls to customers

November 27, 2019

Via: Retail Dive

Hoards of people lining up at Walmart’s storefront is the classic Black Friday image. Instead of going out at 2 a.m. for a deal, shoppers can stay in bed and shop online. It’s easier for them and the bad actors […]

Customer Engagement, Customer Experience

10 ways to get customers coming back

February 23, 2018

Via: Lightspeed POS

Remember the good old days when customers walked into your store, selected an item off the shelf, and that’s was it. Thanks to the internet, technology, and social media, those days are long gone, and they aren’t coming back. Operating […]

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

96% of consumers worried about privacy

September 15, 2017

Via: FierceRetail

It seems even the launch of Apple’s new facial recognition in the iPhone X hasn’t calmed the fears of consumers, as a new data privacy study reveals that 96% of shoppers express being “somewhat” or “extremely” concerned about data collection […]