
Tag: EU

E-payment & Data Security, Tech

EU claims Shopify will improve its platform to make shopping safer online

October 7, 2022

Via: Charged

The European Commission has said on Friday that Canadian ecommerce giant Shopify has committed to putting improvements in place in order to make shopping safer for customers online, according to a statement. It committed to changing the design of its […]

News & Trends

Food delivery companies claim EU ruling will lead to job losses

December 9, 2021

Via: Charged

Food delivery companies are fearing that the new EU rulings on workers and their rights could lead to job losses and litigation in court. The European Commission announced today that it was bringing in a wave of new rules to […]


U.S. Retailers Bracing for BREXIT

February 12, 2019

Via: SCMR Editorial

As the Retail Industry Leaders Association (RILA) prepares for its annual Retail Supply Chain Conference later this month much talk is expected to be generated by global trade tensions and profound shifts in cross border dynamics. Top of mind for […]