
Tag: Global Supply Chains


Supply Chain Automation: Key Benefits

June 22, 2022

Via: Natalie Dunn

Global supply chains have been severely disrupted by challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic—including delays and port congestion—and as the global healthcare crisis started to wane, new issues (like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine) increased the pressure on retailers around the […]


What effect will Russian sanctions have on your supply chain?

April 25, 2022

Via: SCMR Editorial

We’ve all seen the horrific scenes of the war on Ukraine and the reports of bombing civilian targets. There’s no question that the damage to infrastructure, buildings, industry and the citizens of Ukraine is devastating and will require many years […]


Building resilient supply chains post-COVID-19

July 1, 2020

Via: SCMR Editorial

The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting global supply chains, with consequences for businesses, consumers and the global economy. Operations leaders are scrambling to respond to urgent questions about how to protect their employees, ensure supply security, mitigate the financial impact, address […]


Trade Policy Whiplash is the New Norm. How Do Companies Maintain the Integrity of Their Supply Chain

June 18, 2019

Via: SCMR Editorial

Managing global supply chains is not for the faint-hearted, especially in today’s nerve-wracking political environment. The last few weeks have tested even the most battle-hardened practitioners, as companies have scrambled to react to abrupt changes in government trade policy. How […]


Global Supply Chains Prepare for Uncertain Economy

November 5, 2018

Via: SCMR Editorial

While a global recession is probably still a year or two away, “there are storm clouds on the horizon,” which are starting to look more than a little threatening, says IHS Markit economists. “The good news on the trade front […]


Fall Season Predictions – What’s Next for Global Supply Chains?

October 4, 2018

Via: SCMR Editorial

Each year, the Council of Supply Chain Management San Francisco Roundtable kicks off the fall season with a predictions panel. This year, I was honored to be one of the senior executives on the panel to share my ideas and […]


Global Supply Chains Depend on People

March 9, 2018

Via: SCMR Editorial

Many alarmists are ringing the bell on President Trump’s recent announcement on Trade Wars. Some speculate that it will severely hurt our economy and therefore our supply chain and some think it won’t. It’s time to face the truth – […]