
Tag: Employee Management

News & Trends

Retail Management: How To Get Your Employees To Do What You Want

June 19, 2017

Via: The Retail Doctor Blog

One of my first clients was a coffee roaster, and I remember the owner recounting a story about retail management… At the end of her shift, one of his best employees came up to him and asked, “Since I didn’t […]

News & Trends

Amazon intends to increase its US employee rolls by 55%

January 13, 2017

Via: Internet Retailer

Internet Retailer readers know Inc. is by far the largest online retailer in the United States, but data the company released today about its employee count adds more dimension to its role in retail. Amazon says it had 180,000 […]

News & Trends

How To Get Long Term Retail Employees To Unlearn Bad Selling Habits

November 7, 2016

Via: The Retail Doctor Blog

There’s an old adage that goes something like you can’t put new ideas into a full bottle; you need to empty it to make way for the new. To do that you have to be open to the possibility of […]